While my specialty is Spanish theater, I have taught courses on a wide variety of topics and themes, ranging from basic Spanish grammar classes to advanced literature and culture courses. I am prepared to teach on the following topics:
Survey of Peninsular Literature and Culture
Medieval Spain - Literature and Culture
Golden Age Spain - Literature and Culture
19th-20th Century Spanish Literature and Culture
20th-21st Century Spanish Literature and Culture
Latin America:
Latin American Civilization and Culture
Beginning, Intermediate, or Advanced Spanish Language and Grammar
Survey of Spanish Literature and Culture
Introduction to University Studies (Freshman Seminar)
Spanish in the Community
Don Juan
The Spanish comedia
Spanish Painters: Diego Velázquez and Francisco de Goya
Saints and Bandits in Spanish Literature
Disease and Metaphor
Boccaccio’s Decameron
Spain’s Generation of ‘98
The Bildungsroman (vis-à-vis Augustine’s Confessions and Hesse’s Siddhartha)
I also have significant experience in preparing course websites and using online materials (e.g., Canvas, Blackboard, Quia, McGraw-Hill’s CENTRO, and McGraw-Hill’s connect). During the summer of 2012, I created the online templates (foundation courses) on connect for UCI’s Spanish 1A, 1B, and 1C classes.
Below is a list of all the classes I have taught (all syllabi available upon request):
hillsdale college
The Liberal Arts Tradition (CSP 101)
Storytelling during Quarantine: Boccaccio’s the Decameron (CSP 261)
Spanish Grammar, Conversation, and Culture:
Beginning Spanish 101 (SPN 101)
Beginning Spanish 102 (SPN 102)
Language Seminar: Writing and Theater (SPN 393)
Spanish Literature, Civilization, History, and Art:
Introduction to Iberian and Latin American Literature (SPN 304)
Spanish Literature: 1140-1700 (SPN 410)
Spanish Literature: 1700-present (SPN 411)
Special Topics: Golden Age Theater (SPN 493)
Special Topics: Generation of ‘98 (SPN 493)
Study Abroad:
Study Travel in a Spanish-Speaking Country (SPN 350)
Costa Rica (2022)
buena vista university
Freshman orientation:
University Seminar (0BVU 100)
A New Chapter: Storytelling, Story Listening, and Story Writing
Honors Humanities (HONR 230)
The Meaning of Disease: Novelistic, Critical, and Filmic Interpretations of Illness throughout the Twentieth Century
Spanish Grammar, Conversation, and Culture:
Elementary Spanish I (SPAN 101)
Elementary Spanish II (SPAN 102)
Elementary Spanish Conversation Lab (SPAN 105)
Intermediate Spanish I (SPAN 201)
Intermediate Spanish II (SPAN 202)
Intermediate Spanish Conversation Lab (SPAN 205)
Spanish Literature, Civilization, History, and Art:
Culture and Civilization of Latin America (SPAN 312)
Introduction to Hispanic Literature (SPAN 335)
Survey of the Literature of Spain (SPAN 410)
Spanish Classics: La comedia (SPAN 430)
Special Topics: Santos y bandidos (SPAN 450)
Senior Seminar: La visión artística de un romántico: Francisco de Goya (SPAN 498)
Study Abroad:
International Experience (SPAN 490)
Lima & Cuzco, Perú (2017)
Barcelona, Spain (2019)
Spanish in the Community (SPAN 308)
University of california, Irvine
Spanish Grammar, Conversation, and Culture:
Fundamentals of Spanish I (SPAN 1A)
Fundamentals of Spanish II (SPAN 1B)
Fundamentals of Spanish III (SPAN 1C)
Fundamentals of Spanish I & II (accelerated; SPAN 1AB)
Fundamentals of Spanish II & III (accelerated; SPAN 1BC)
Humanities Freshman Seminar:
Humanities Core 1A (HUM 1A)
Humanities Core 1B (HUM 1B)
Humanities Core 1C (HUM 1C)
brigham young university
Spanish Grammar, Conversation, and Culture:
Foundational Spanish 1 (SPAN 101)
Foundational Spanish 2 (SPAN 102)
University Spanish 1 (SPAN 105)
University Spanish 2 (SPAN 106)
University Spanish 1 & 2 (accelerated; SPAN 105-106 acc.)