Tenure and Rank Advancement

I am humbled and very grateful to announce that Hillsdale College granted me tenure at the end of the 2024 spring semester. This was a very long time coming. I used to tell people that, for reasons outside of my control, I was probably the longest untenured tenure-track Assistant Professor in academia. The time I spent at BVU is documented below. While the overall experience was very valuable and allowed me to become friends with some folks I hold very near and dear to my heart, its abrupt and unexpected end was nothing short of traumatic. I was so close to receiving tenure at BVU and getting effectively laid off the year before I should have advanced left me wondering if I would every achieve it.

Hillsdale has been so kind and welcoming to me. I was allowed to apply three years of my prior teaching experience to my tenure clock here, which allowed me to advance after 2.5 years. There were no guarantees that I would receive tenure, but the administration and my colleagues had enough faith in me and my potential that I felt that I should persevere and go for it. And I’m so glad I did. It is an incredible relief to say, after nine years on the tenure-track, that I’m a tenured Associate Professor. Thank you, Hillsdale College, for believing in me and investing in my future.